Monday, November 16, 2009


<--- that's the empathy symbol.



I collapsed by his body, still clinging to his hand, that had been so warm just moment before. Now it was just clammy and stiff. Tears ran down my cheeks, sliding off my chin and landing on his dirty clothes. His beautiful, chocolate-coloured eyes stared blankly up at the gray sky, and just one glance at him told me he was dead, dead and never coming back.

I looked up at the soldier that had shot him, my grief and shock replaced by anger. Too bad that was the last emotion that I felt as I stared up his gun.'

Ah, the joys of empathy. The emotion that gets your heart pumping, and that makes you relieved when you think; "it's only a book, it's not happening right now, not to me." Writers make you feel this emotion with powerful words, strong descriptions, and characters that you can relate to. For example, if the main character in a story was perfect in every way, then I would actually be glad that someone dies, and when someone is like that, it's extremely hard to relate to them, so everything that happens is painfully boring. Those are some of the ways writers make you feel empathy, but there are many more.

So next time you are writing a story, think to yourself; "do I feel empathy for my character for my character?" If you do, then I'll know that you read my post!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

If Suddenly YOU Had to Make the Money...

If all of a sudden your parents lost their jobs, and you were responsible to make all the money to support your big family, what would you do?

That's a tough question for many if us, because many of us can't even imagine a scenario like this. Everyone at SJK comes from realativley wealthy families, and we are all comfortable and not in danger of our parents loosing their jobs. But I suppose if we try hard enough, especially after having read The Breadwinner, it's possible. So, here's my opinion

If I heard that I was the only one capable of supporting my family, I would probably go into shock for a couple of hours. I think I could be capable, though; as long as there was a job I could do easily that would actually earn me enough money. I would definitley be a bit overwhelmed at first, but as I continued to do it, I would feel perfectly fine. I've handled LOT'S of stress before, even if this might be slightly bigger than past issues.

It would be quite a different life. I would probabley have to drop out of school, for one, and that alone would affect my way of living almost too much to even imagine! I would probably be too busy to have friends, and I'd feel pretty lonely. I guess it would be okay if it was something I really enjoyed doing, but I really doubt that would be the case. My life would be pretty much flipped upside down!

But this is really the case in some countries. Sad, isn't it? Imagine all that labour, just to be able to barely support a big family. The Breadwinner has helped me feel empathy for these people, and, perhaps when I get a bit older, I will be able to help.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eva Olsson's Visit to SJK

October 26, 2009. Monday. Monday, the day that crushes all the fun out of you. Monday, when you are consumed by teachers droning words, thinking of how far away Friday is, how you will be able to stay alive for the WHOLE week at school. Thinking, maybe this week will be over soon... maybe... Suffering, you think, more than people must have in the days of the Holocaust.

That day, I learned we were dead wrong.

May 14, 1944. Eva Olsson and her large family are marched down a road, people lining up on either side, watching them, the Jews, outcasts. They are stuffed into a boxcar with a hundred other people, being taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau, to a concentration camp. She thinks, maybe this war will be over soon...

Eva Olsson came to SJK to talk to us about her story, her life as a Jew during World War Two. She told us of the horrors she encountered, but how she never lost hope, how she never gave up. I, personally, was amazed by her speech. I knew of the war, of course. My grandmother had been one of the survivors, and my great aunt Loca has written a book. But they had never spoken about it to me like Eva Olsson did that day. She delivered a lot of powerful messages, none of them ones that I will ever forget.

The part that affected me most was probably when she talked about how she went without food at her concentration camp for six days. She told us how she lay on the floor, surrounded by dead bodies, her life slowly draining out of her. But she never gave up. She never closed her eyes and let herself die. She was determined to stay alive, fueled by the thought of her sister. She had to stay and take care of her. And all that hope and determination payed off. After six days, she was freed, and went to Sweden, where she married, and managed to lead a happy life, until her husband died in a car crash because of drunken driving. It was like the grand finale, and I think it affected everybody, including me.
Eva Olsson was amazing. She really changed the way I think, and I hope she will tell many, many more. She could really change the world.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Team Building at Norval

The other day, everyone in Middle School went to Norval, each grade getting a unique, team building activity to participate in. We were split up into different teams. Mine included Wilks, Eric, Emma, Jamie, Hayley, Thomas, Ethan and Brenna.

The activity we had the most trouble with was our first one, the Fire Swamp Crossing. There was an amount of land that was the "Fire Swamp", and we had to get across it with five platforms and three planks to connect it. I think that we had trouble with this because it was the first time we had all done this kind of thing that required this much team effort. However, soon Brenna gave us a great idea of using the rope as a sort of railing for support. We were pretty, no, VERY close to not having enough time to get all across, but, with lots of support and hard work, we all made it.

The team was very good at communicating with each other. When an idea was suggested, it may not be heard at first, but then if it was suggested again, a few people heard it and said "Hey, listen to this!" Each idea was considered, even if it ended up being turned down. And some things didn't even need to be said, we all just fell into place. Like when we were doing the King's Finger activity. Automatically, the strongest people lifted the lightest one, and others helped and supported them. I got into place as the spotter, making sure that if the one being lifted fell feet first, not headfirst. Thankfully, I never had to push them into position, and everyone escaped without harm (except for maybe a few sore wrists!). This is why we were good at communicating together.

Overall, I had a lot of fun at Norval. It was an amazing experience, filled with adventure, but also with a few risks and challenges. Together, however, we overcame them, having a good time in the process. The drum circle at the end was amazing, and rekindled a passion for beating the heck out of things, while making amazing music. Two great things in one! It was amazing, and I can't WAIT for next year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dark colours

Dark colours are like 3x better than light colours.


1. Light colours hurt your eyes

2.Dark colours are more relaxing, light colours SCREAMINYOURFACELIKETHISISN'TITANNOYING?


3#2.My fluffy Pudding kitty is dark colours.

4.Chocolate is a dark colour (though so is poo, for that matter...)

5. They just...are

So yes. i am sure you will all agree that dark colours are better.

P.s. Blogging was the best idea ever Ms. Weldon!

The Clothes Make a Man...?

Does clothing shape who I am? In a way, I suppose, it does. What you wear could have words that express your views on things, or perhaps show what colours you like, or if you're a stuck up fashonista who cares for nothing but clothes.

For example, I have a bajilion shirts that say things like "Stay Green" and "Peace", and, as my friends will agree, I am truly a little hippie. I spaz at my brother a lot, because he doesn't seem to care that much. I participate in Earth Day, recycle, and try to conserve energy by doing little things around the house. I get mad at my mom when she turns on lamps when the ceiling light is on, and vice versa. Plus, I'm being a vampire hippie for Halloween

T.D.A.F.U. (this doesn't apply for uniform).

But, then again, in some parts of the world it isn't fair to apply that. Like in some of Africa they just have dirty rags to cover themselves. They can't really express themselves through clothes when they barely have any at all to begin with. The boys could have to wear their sisters old pink clothes (shudder) even if they were the toughest, meanest, strongest guys in their grade. How much would that suck?

So, I guess, in a way, the answer to our weekly question is both yes and no. For some people, the answer can be obvious. But for others, you have to delve past their outer layer to discover who they really, truly are.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Bit About Me


So yeah. My name's Marina, I'm twelve, and we're doing a thing in LA where we create a blog for our very own. So I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself.

My imagination knows no bounds.

I'm slightly under average as far as height goes. My hair is wavy-ish and differnet shades of brown. My eyes are blue and green, not the two mixed together, but blue on the outside and green nearer the pupil or iris or whatever it's called.

No, I'm not an optomotrist.

I'm the youngest of five. Yeah, not the funnest life. At least they're okay, and all in university now. Okay, I shall leave now.

I'll say more soon...