Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Bit About Me


So yeah. My name's Marina, I'm twelve, and we're doing a thing in LA where we create a blog for our very own. So I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself.

My imagination knows no bounds.

I'm slightly under average as far as height goes. My hair is wavy-ish and differnet shades of brown. My eyes are blue and green, not the two mixed together, but blue on the outside and green nearer the pupil or iris or whatever it's called.

No, I'm not an optomotrist.

I'm the youngest of five. Yeah, not the funnest life. At least they're okay, and all in university now. Okay, I shall leave now.

I'll say more soon...

1 comment:

  1. You should comment my blog Marina, :) From Emma
