Saturday, January 16, 2010

A is for Argh

A is for argh.

If you know anything about me, you'll know that I am a total spaz. I get easily frustrated, I like everything to be perfect, and I have a very short temper. And when it snaps, guess what I say.


Actually it would be something more like "@#!&%^)#@-?!@#$%*&(%#%^&$@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!" but there would probably be an argh somewhere in there. It was censored too for some reason, don't ask me why. I'm not in control of my typing.

So, anyways, yeah.

Some of my friends might find this hard to beleive, but I used to be the calmest, shyest little girl in my grade. Whenever I got angry I didn't yell "ARGH" but instead somehow changed it to sadness and ran to a corner to cry(emo, much). Either that or I kept it bottled up inside. But I finally shed that little shy sweet-heart scene and have become a much more interesting person, yet at the same time a much less likeable person. Well, to "popular" girls at least, but at least I actually have friends who like me for who I am, and not a posse who........ Well, I could go on and on about this, but some people, I'm afraid, may find it slightly offensive.

Don't worry, my next posts will be slightly more interesting and thoughtful than this one. I just feel lazy right now, and I just woke up.


  1. wow, twig. how were you the shyest, and quietest in you class? I dont get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you do know that everyone in the class is reading your blog, even mrs weldon. you should write more.

  2. hows life? im really bored and stuck in the 'student success' center

  3. no offence but it is hard to see you as shy and quiet. oh well, you did turn into a interesting person and i love you for who you are, crazy or not.
